NEET PG Medical – 2014 – Question – 11
Axillary artery is divided into three parts by?
a) 1st rib
b) Clavicle
c) Pectoralis minor muscle
d) Teres minor muscle
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Correct Answer – C
Axillary artery
- It is the main artery of upper limb. It begins at the level of outer border of first rib as a continuation of subclavian artery. It ends at the level of lower border of teres major to continue as brachial artery.
- The axillary artery is covered anteriorly by pectoralis minor, which divides it into three parts:?
1) First part :- This part is proximal to upper border of pectoralis minor, i.e. extends from outer border of first rib to upper border of pectoralis minor. The branch of first part is Superior thoracic artery.
2) Second part :- This part is behind pectoral is minor. It gives following branches.
A) Thoracoacromial artery :- It pierces clavipectoral foscia and gives following branches :-
(i) Acromial
(ii) Pectoral,
(iii) Clavicular and deltoid.
B) Lateral thoracic artery
3) Third part :- This part is distal to lower border of pectoralis minor, i.e. extends from pectoralis minor (lower border) to teres major (lower border). It gives following branches ?
A) Subscapular artery:- It gives off circumflex scapular artery and then continues us thoracodorsal artery.
B) Anterior circumflex humeral artery.
C) Posterior circumflex humeral artery. - Anterior and posterior circumflex arteries (both are branches of 3rd part of axillary artery) forms anastomosis around surgical neck of humerus.