Anatomy Question Set 15 – Supex
1. Nerve supply of Trapezius
a) Spinal accessory nerve
b) Hypoglossal nerve
c) Trochlear nerve
d) Trigeminal nerve
2. Which of the following muscle is supplied by deep branch of the ulnar nerve
a) Adductor pollicis
b) Opponens pollicis
c) Abductor pollicis brevis
d) Flexor digitorum profundus
3. The following structures pass through teh carpel tunnel except
a) Median nerve
b) Ulnar artery
c) Flexor carpi radialis tendon
d) Flexor pollicis longus tendon
4. Not seen in distal radial nerve injury is –
a) Inability to extend fingers
b) Weakness fo extensor carpi radialis brevis
c) Loss of sensations over dorsum of hand
d) Paralysis of Brachiradialis
5. What is the action of anterior fibres of deltoid ?
a) Flexion
b) Lateral rotation
c) Flexion and medial rotation
d) Extension and lateral rotation
6. Fascia around nerve bundle of brachial plexus is derived from
a) Prevertebral fascia
b) Pretracheal fascia
c) Investing layer
d) Superficial cervical fascia
7. Contents of anatomical snuffbox are –
a) Radial artery
b) Tendon of abductor pollicis longus
c) Tendon of extensor pollicis brevis
d) Scaphoid bone
e) Superficial cutaneous branch of radial nerve
8. True about pectoralis major muscle –
a) Abductor & Internal rotator of shoulder
b) Blood supply by perforating branch of internal thoracic artery
c) Blood supply by intercostal artery
d) Nerve supply by intercostal artery
e) Inserted into 2nd to 6th costal cartilage
9. Concerning brachial plexus, which of the following facts are true
a) Formed by spinal nerve C4-C7
b) Most common site of injury is upper trunk
c) Injury may occur during breech delivery
d) Radial nerve is branch of medial cord
e) Lower trunk injury results in hand deformity
10. First extensor compartment of wrist have which of the following structures
a) Extensor pollicis brevis
b) Extensor carpi radialis longus
c) Extensor carpi radialis brevis
d) Extensor digiti minimi
e) Abductor pollicis longus