NEET PG Medical – 2016 – Question – 98
Narrowest part of ureter is ?
a) Brim of the pelvis
b) Crossing by gonadal vessels
c) Vesicouretric junction
d) Crossing by ductus deferens
Correct Answer – C
Ans. is ‘C’ i.e., Vesicoureteric junction [Ref Campbellis urology 6thle p. 2123; Gray’s Anatomy for students 1″/e p.325]
Ureter measures about 3 mm in diameter, but is constricted at five places
1. Pelviureteric junction
2. Brim of lesser pelvis (at the level of bifurcation of common iliac artery and crossing of external iliac artery
3. Point of crossing of ureter by ductus deferens or broad ligament.
4. Entry in bladder wall (this vesicoureteral junction is the narrowest part of ureter)
5. Opening in lateral angle of trigone