Anatomy Question Set 17 – Supex
1 Deep branch of ulnar nerve supplies
a) Adductor pollicis
b) Flexor digitorum superficialis
c) I himbrical
d) 3 lumbrical
e) Palmaris brevis
2. True about peripheral nerve injury in upper limb –
a) Radial nerve injury cause anaesthesia over anatomical snuffbox
b) Median nerve injury cause wrist drop
c) Ulnar nerve injury cause claw hand
d) Index finger anesthesia is caused by median nerve injury
e) Thumb anaesthesia is caused by ulnar nerve injury
3. Content (s) of bicipital groove is/are –
a) Synovial membrane of shoulder joint
b) Ascending branch of anterior circumflex artery
c) Ascending branch of posterior circumflex artery
d) Radial artery
e) Coracobrachialis muscle
4. The following structure does not pass through flexor retinaculum
a) Ulnar N.
b) Median N.
c) Flexor digitorum profundus
d) Flexor digitorum superficialis
5. All of the following muscles retract the scapula except
a) Trapezius
b) Rhomboid major
c) Rhomboid minor
d) Levator scapulae
6. All of the following movements occur during abduction of shoulder except
a) Elevation of humerus
b) Axial rotation of clavicle
c) Medial rotation of scapula
d) Acromioclavicular joint movement
7. The following structures are attached to the greater tuberosity of the humerus except
a) Supraspinatus muscle
b) The coracohumeral ligament
c) Teres minor muscle
d) Subscapularis muscle
8. Muscle that can extend the middle distal phalanx of the index finger include all except
a) The first dorsal inter interosseous
b) The first lumbrical
c) The second palmar interosseous
d) Extensor carpi radialis longus
9. Ulnar nerve injury at wrist spares which muscle
a) Opponens pollicis
b) Palmar interossei
c) Dorsal interossei
d) Adductor pollicis
10. Erb’s palsy occurs due to involvement of______ of brachial plexus
a) Upper trunk
b) Middle trunk
c) Medisl cord
d) Lateral trunk