ENT – Anatomy of Ear – Set 6
1. Pinna develops from
a) 1 st pharyngeal arch
b) 1 st and 3rd pharyngeal arch
c) 1 st and 2nd pharyngeal arch
d) 2nd pharyngeal arch
2. Eustachian tube develops from
a) 2nd and 3rd pharyngeal pouch
b) 1st pharyngeal pouch
c) 2nd pharyngeal pouch
d) 3rd pharyngeal pouch
3. The following structure represents all the 3 components of the embryonic disc
a) Tympanic membrane
b) Retina
c) Meninges
d) None of the above
4. All of the follwoing are of the size of adult at birth except
a) Tympanic membrane
b) Ossicle
c) Cochlea
d) Mastoid process
5. Kornerf s septum is seen in
a) Petrosquamous suture
b) Temporosquamous suture
c) Petromastoid suture
d) Frontozygomatic suture
6. The cough response caused while cleaning the ear canal is mediated by stimulation of
a) The V cranial nerve
b) Innervation of external ear canal by and C2
c) The X cranial nerve
d) Branches of the VII cranial nerve
7. During ear examination, cough occurs due to stimulation of
a) Vagus
b) Trigeminal
c) Hypoglossal
d) Trochlear
8. Singular nerve is a
a) Superior Vestibular nerve supplying posterior semiciruar canal
b) Inferior vestibular nerve supplying post semicircular canal
c) Superior Vestibular nerve supplying anterior semicircular canal
d) Interior vestibular nerve supplying anterior semicircular canal
9. Not correctly matched pair is
a) Utricle and sacule- Semiciruclar canal
b) Oval window – Foot plate of staps
c) Aditus and antrum – MacEwen’s triangle
d) Scala vestibule- Resissner’s membrane
10. In carcinoma base of tongue pain is referred to the ear through
a) Hypoglossal nerve
b) Vagus nerve
c) Glosspharyngeal nerve
d) Lingual nerve