NEET PG Medical – 2015 – Question – 8
Not attached on medial border of scapula ?
a) Serratus anterior
b) Levator scapulae
c) Rhamboides major
d) Teres major
Correct Answer – D
Ans. is ‘d’ i.e., Teres major
Muscles attached to scapula are :-
Coracoid process :- Tip of the coracoid process gives origin to coracobrachialis (medially) and short head of the biceps laterally.
The upper surface receives insertion of pectoralis minor.
Spine of scapula and acromion process :- There is origin of Deltoid and insertion of trapezius.
Glenoid tubercle :- Supraglenoid tubercle gives origin to the long head of biceps and infra glenoid tubercle gives origin to long head of triceps.
Lateral border :- Origins of teres minor and teres major.
Medial border :- Insertions of serattus anterior (anteriorly); and rhomboideus major, rhomboideus minor and levator scapulae (posteriorly).
Costal (anterior) surface (origin) Subscapularis.
Dorsal surface (origins) Supraspinatus, infraspinatus and at inferior angle latissimus dorsi.