Gynaecology and Obstetrics – Set 1 – Gynaecological Anatomy
1. All are related to the lateral vaginal fornix except
a) Ureters
b) Mackenrodt’s
c) Inferior vesical artery
d) Uterine artery
2. Para -ovarian cyst are derived from
a) Wolfian duct
b) Mullerian duct
c) Gartners duct
d) Pronephros
3. The epithelial lining of cervical canal is
a) Low columnar
b) High columnar
c) Stratified squamous
d) Ciliated columnar
4. Bartholins duct open into
a) Labia mojora
b) Labia minora
c) Lower vagina
d) Groved between labia minora and hymen
5. False about vagina is
a) Partly or wholly derived from urogenital sinus
b) Rich in glands
c) Lined by stratified squamous epithelium
d) Posterior fornix lengthier than anterior fornix
6. Epithelial lining of Bartholins duct is
a) Columnar
b) Transitional
c) Cuboidal
d) Squamous
7. Venous drainage of upper part of uterus and placenta is through
a) Ovarian vein
b) Uterine vein
c) Internal iliac vein
8. Clitoris develops from
a) Urogenital Sinus
b) Labio Scrotal Swelling
c) Genital folds
d) Genital tubercle
9. Scrotoum is analogus to
a) Labia minora
b) Labia majora
c) Uterus
d) Vagina
10. Which of the following is Schiller positive-(yU/MS179)
a) Erosion
b) Ectropion
c) Carcinoma cervix
d) All of the above