ENT – Anatomy of Ear – Set 4
1.Eustachian tube opens into middle ear cavity at-
a) Anterior walls
b) Hypotympanum
c) Superior surface
d) Posterior wall
2.TVue about Eustachian tube is / are
a) Size is 3.75 cm
b) Cartilagenous 1/3 & 2/3rd bony
c) Opens during swallowing
d) Nasopharyngeal opening is narrowest
e) Tensor palati helps to open it
3. True about Eustachian tube
a) Length is 36 mm in adults and 1.6 mm to 3 mm in children
b) Higher elastin content in adults
c) Ventilatory function of ear better developed in infants
d) More horizontal in adults
e) Angulated in infants
4. Which of the following causes opening of Eustachian tube?
a) Salpingopharyngeus
b) Levator veli palatini
c) Tensor veli palatini
d) None of the above
5.Inner ear is present in which bone
a) Parietal bone
b) Petrous part of temporal bone
c) Occipital bone
d) Petrous part of squamous bone
6.Inner ear bony labyrinth is –
a) Strongest bone in the body
b) Cancellous bone
c) Laminar bone
d) Membranous bone
7. Crus commune is in –
a) Cochlea
b) Middle ear
c) Behind retina
d) Part of lens
8. Cochlear aqueduct
a) Connects internal ear with subarachnoid space
b) Connects cochlea with vestibule
c) Contains endolymph
d) Same as S media
9. Infection of CNS spreads in inner ear through –
a) Cochlear aqueduct
b) Endolymphatic sac
c) Vestibular aqueduct
d) Hyrtle fissure
10. Most potential route for transmission of Meningitis from CNS to Inner ear is
a) Cochlear Aqueduct
b) Endolymphatic sac
c) Vestibular Aqueduct
d) Hyrtle fissure