ENT – Anatomy of Ear – Set 2
1.Nerve supply of tympanic memberane
a) Auriculotemporal
b) Auricular branch of vagus
c) Occipital nerve
d) Great auricular nerve
e) Glossopharyngeal nerve
2.Nerve supply of the tympanic membrane is by –
a) Auriculotemporal
b) Lesser occipital
c) Greater occipital
d) Parasympathetic ganglion
3. Narrowest part of middle ear is
a) Hypo tympanum
b) Epitympanum
c) Attic
d) Mesotympanum
4. Prussack’s space is situated in
a) Epitympanum
b) Mesotympanum
c) Hypotympanum
d) Ear canal
15. All are components of epitympanum except –
a) Body of incus
b) Head of malleus
c) Chorda tympani
d) Footplate of stapes
6. Tegmen separates middle ear from the middle cranial fossa containing temporal lobe of brain by –
a) Medical wall of middle ear
b) Lateral wall of middle ear
c) Footplate of stapes
d) Anterior wall of middle ear
7. Opening of Eustachian tube in middle ear
a) Medial wall
b) Lateral wall
c) Anterior wall
d) Posterior wall
8. Facial recess or the posterior sinus is bounded by –
a) Medially by the vertical part of VII nerve
b) Laterally by the chorda tympani
c)Above by the fossa incudis
d) All of the above
9. Promontory seen in the middle ear\s-
a) Jugular bulge
b) Basal turn of cochlea
c) Semicircular canal
d) Head of incus
10. Stapes foot plate covers
a) Round window
b) Oval window
c) Inferior sinus tympani
d) Pyramid