Anatomy Question Set 18 – Supex
1. Which are not the flexors of forearm
a) Pronater teres
b) Brachialis
c) Brachioradialis
d) Anconeus
e) Flexor pollicis longus
2. True about radial nerve
a) Branch of posterior cord
b) Nerve of extensor compartment of forearm
c) Arise from C5-T1
d) Anterior interosseous nerve is branch of it
e) Supply skin of extensor compartment
3. Rotator cuff is/are formed by all except
a) Supraspinats
b) Infraspinatus
c) Teres minor
d) Teres major
e) Subscapularis
4. Carpel tunnel syndrome is caused by all except
a) Amylodosis
b) Hypothyroidism
c) Addisson’s disease
d) Diabetes mellitus
5. Neurovascular bundle in axilla is surrounded by sheath derived from
a) Prevertebral fascia
b) Pretracheal fascia
c) Clavipectoral fascia
d) Axillary sheath
6. All of the following muscles retract the scapula except
a) Trapezius
b) Rhomboid major
c) Rhomboid minor
d) Levator scapulae
7. Boundary of triangle of auscultation is not formed by
a) Serratus anterior
b) Scapula
c) Trapezius
d) Latissimus dorsi
8. Axillary abscess is safely drained by which approach
a) Medial
b) Posterior
c) Lateral
d) Floor
9. Which amongst the following is a branch from the trunk of brachial plexus?
a) Suprascapular nerve
b) Long Thoracic Nerve
c) Dorsal Scapular Nerve
d) Nerve to subclavius
10. Main muscle of opposition is
a) Abductor pollicis brevis
b) Flexor pollicis brevis
c) Opponens pollicis
d) Adductor pollicis