Anatomy Question Set 16 – Supex
1. Muscle supplied by median nerve
a) Opponens pollicis
b) Abductor pollicis brevis
c) Flexor pollicis brevis
d) First lumbricals
e) Adductor pollicis
2. Artery in anatomical snuffbox is
a) Radial
b) Brachial
c) Ulnar
d) Interosseous
3. Deltoid ligament is attached to all, except –
a) Medial malleolus
b) Medial cuneiform
c) Spring ligament
d) Sustentaculum tali
4. Which of the following movements of thumb are not affected in redial nerve injury
a) Opposition
b) Abduction
c) Adduction
d) Extension
e) Flexion
5. Which of the following muscles is enclosed within the calvipectoral fascia
a) Pectoralis major
b) Serratus anterior
c) Coracobrachialis
d) Subclavius
6. The ossification center of pisiform bone appears at the age of
a) 10-11 years
b) 12-13 years
c) 14-15 years
d) 15-16 years
7. Intrinsic muscles of hand are innervated by
a) Ulnar nerve
b) Radial nerve
c) Median nerve
d) All of the above
8. Fall on outstretched hand leads to fracture of the following bones
a) Scaphoid bone, capitate and clavicle
b) Scaphoid, clavicle
c) Head of ulna
d) Radial styloid process
9. First dorsal interosseous muscle of hand is supplied by
a) Deep branch of ulnar nerve
b) Superficial branch of ulnar nerve
c) Median nerve
d) Radial nerve
10. Which of the following arteries supply pectoralis major muscle
a) Pectoral branches of thoracoacromial artery
b) Intercotal artery
c) Lateral thoracic artery
d) Subclavian artery
e) Internal mammary artery