Anatomy Question Set 11 – Supex
1. Nerve damaged due to lunate dislocation (in carpal tunnel)
a) Median & ulnar
b) Median
c) Ulnar
d) Radial
2. Adduction of hand at wrist is done by
a) Flexor carpi radialis
b) Flexor carpi longus
c) Flexor digitorum profundus
d) Extensor carpi ulnaris
e) Flexor digitorum superficialis
3. Muscles supplied by median nerve
a) Abductor pollicis brevis
b) Opponens pollicis
c) Adductor pollicis
d) First lumbrical
e) Flexor pollicis brevis
4. Lateral border of cubital fossa is formed by
a) Pronator teres
b) Brachioradialis
c) Supinator
d) Branchialis
e) Biceps
5. Small muscles of hand are supplied by
a) C6
b) C7
c) C8
6. Median nerve injury at elbow affects
a) Adduction of the thumb
b) Flexion at DIP joints of 2nd finger
c) Flexion of PIP of third fmger
d) Flexion at 1st and 2nd DP fingers
e) Flexion on MCP joints except thumbs
7. Low ulnar nerve palsy is characterised by
a) Claw hand
b) Sensory loss of medial four digits
c) Weakness of grips
d) Inability to extend at M.C.P. joint
e) Inability to abduct the thumb
8. Thenar eminence is supplied by
a) Median nerve
b) Radlial nerve
c) Ant. Interosseous nerve
d) Post interosseous nerve
e) Ulnar nerve
9. Injury to radial nerve in lower part of spiral groove
a) Spares nerve supply to extensor carpi radialis longus
b) Results in paralysis of anconeus muscle
c) Leaves extensions at elbow joint intact
d) Weakness pronation movement
10. Ill head of coracho brachialis is known as –
a) Struthers ligament
b) Branchioradialis
c) Radial collateral ligament
d) Ulnar ligament