Anatomy Question Set 10 – Supex
1. Deep branch of ulnar nerve does not supply –
a) 2nd lumbrical
b) 4th lumbrical
c) Palmar interossei
d) Dorsal interossri
2. Blood supply of breast is from all except –
a) Internal mammary artery
b) Intercostal artery
c) Thorocodorsal branch of subscapular artery
d) Thoraco-acromial artery
3. All are sensory except
a) Saphenous nerve
b) Sural nerve
c) Intercostobrachial nerve
d) Long thoracic nerve
4. Lower angle of scapula at the level of –
a) T4
5. Intercostobrachial Nerve is a branch of –
a) 1st intercostal nerve
b) 2nd intercostal nerve
c) 3rd intercostal nerve
d) Upper trunk of brachial plexus
6. In deltoid paralysis, which nerve is involved
a) Circumflex N
b) Musculocutaneous N
c) Axillary N
d) Radial N
7. Ulnar nerve injury at wrist spares which muscle
a) Opponens pollicis
b) Palmar interossei
c) Dorsal interossei
d) Adductor pollicis
8. Muscles attached to hook of hamate is
a) Flexor carpi ulnaris
b) Flexor retinaculum
c) Flexor hallucis longus
d) Flexor digitorum longus
9. Finger by which all the muscles in the hand can be tested
a) Index
c) Thumb
d) Middle
10. Arterial supply of latistimus dorsi is
a) Subscapular A
b) Circumflex humeral A
c) Thoracodorsal A
d) Lateral thoracic A