ENT – Physiology of Ear – Set 2
1. Resonance of tympanic membrane
a) 800
b) 800-1600
c) 3000K
d) None
2. Sense organ for hearing is
a) Organ of Corti
c) Macula
3. Primary receptor cells of hearing
a) Supporting cell
b) Tectorial membrane
c) Tunnel of corti
d) Hair cell
4. All of the following are concerned with auditory pathway except
a) Trapezoid body
b) Medial geniculate body
c) Genu of internal capsule
d) Laeral leminiscus
5. Higher auditory centers determine
a) Sound frequency
b) Loudness
c) Speech discrimination
d) Sound localization
6. Semicircular canals are stimulated by
a) Gravity
b) Linear acceleration
c) Rotation
d) Sound
7. Angular movement is sensed by
a) Cochlea
b) Saccule
c) Utricle
d) Semicircular canal
8. Static equilibrium is due to
a) Macula
b) Cupula
e) End organ of corti
d) Cristae ampulla
9. All are correctly matched except
a) Otolith- Made up of Uric acid crystals
b) Position of otolith – Changes with head position
c) Otoliths- Stretch receptors
d) Otolith organs – Stimulated by gravity and linear acceleration
10. Horizontal semicircular canal responds to
a) Horizontal acceleration
b) Rotational acceleration
c) Gravity
d) Antero posterior acceleration
11. Angular movements are sensed by
a) Cochlea
b) Saccule
c) Utricle
d) Semicircular canals